- Eversong Woods - Shrine of Dath'Remar, The Dead Scar, Scorched Grove, Runestone Falithas, Runestone Shan’dor, Huntress of the Sun
- Ghostlands - Shalandis Isle, An’daroth, An’telas, An’owyn, Thalassian Pass
- Western Plaguelands - Andorhal, Uther's Tomb
- Eastern Plaguelands - Light's Hope Chapel, Stratholme, Acherus - The Ebon Hold, Marris Stead
- Tirisfal Glades - Ruins of Lordaeron, Agamand Mills, Brill, Faol's Rest, Balnir Farmstead, Apothecarium, Scarlet Monastery
- Silverpine Forest - Greymane Wall, Shadowfang Keep
- Gilneas - Tal'doren
- Hillsbrad Foothills - Durnholde Keep, Purgation Isle, In Loving Memory
- Alterac Mountains - Dalaran Crater, Dandred's Fold
- Arathi Highlands - Stromgarde Keep, Thoradin's Wall, Faldir's Cove
- Hinterlands - Aerie Peak, Seradane
- Wetlands - Thandol Span
- Twilight Highlands - Grim Batol, Crucible of Carnage
- Dun Morogh - Old Ironforge - Hall of Thanes, Deeprun Tram, Ironforge Airfield
- Loch Modan - The Loch, Stonewrought Dam, Valley of Kings
- Badlands - Uldaman, Scar of the Worldbreaker, Apocryphan's Rest
- Burning Steppes - Pillar of Ash, Blackrock Pass, Ruins of Thaurissan, Altar of Storms
- Elwynn Forest - Valley of Heroes, Cut-Throat Alley, Northshire
- Westfall - Westfall Lighthouse
- Redridge Mountains - Tower of Ilgalar
- Duskwood - Raven Hill, Twilight Grove
- Deadwind Pass - Karazhan
- Swamp of Sorrows - Temple of Atal'Hakkar, Harborage
- Blasted Lands - Dark Portal, Altar of Storms, Red Reaches, Tainted Scar & Tainted Forest
- Northern Stranglethorn - The Sundering, Yojamba Isle, Vile Reef
- Cape of Stranglethorn - Janeiro's Poínt, Gurubashi Arena

- Durotar - Cleft of Shadow, Ragefire Chasm, Echo Isles, Shrine of the Dormant Flame
- Azshara - Ravencrest Monument, Ruins of Eldarath & Temple of Zin-Malor, Tower of Eldara, Horizon Scout, Gallywix Pleasure Palace & Gallywix Rocketway Exchange, Bilgewater Harbor, Secret Lab
- Mount Hyjal - Sulfuron Spire & Firelands, Rim of the World, Grove of Aessina, Sanctuary of Malorne, Shrine of Aviana, Shrine of Goldrinn, Leyara’s Sorrow, Whistling Grove
- Ashenvale - Blackfathom Deeps, Demon Fall Canyon, Bough Shadow, Shrine of Aessina, Howling Vale
- Felwood - Jaedenar & Shadow Hold, Irontree Woods, Timbermaw Hold
- Darkshore - Ameth’Aran, Tower of Althalaxx, Master's Glaive, Maw of the Void, Ruins of Auberdine, Grove of the Ancients, Remtravel's Excavation, Shatterspear Vale
- Moonglade - Nighthaven, Shrine of Remulos, Stormrage Barrow Dens
- Teldrassil - Rut'theran Village, Darnassus, Fel Rock
- Azuremyst Isle - Exodar, Odesyus' Landing
- Bloodmyst Isle - Cryo-Core, Vector Coil, Wyrmscar Island & Ruins of Loreth‘Aran
- Northern Barrens - Dreadmist Peak & Dreadmist Den, Wailing Caverns, Shrine of the Fallen Warrior
- Southern Barrens - Great Divide, Bael Modan, Razorfen Kraul & Razorfen Downs, Overgrowth, Great Gate, Field of Giants
- Stonetalon Mountains - Stonetalon Peak, Ruins of Eldre'thar
- Mulgore - Thunder Bluff, Great Gate
- Thousand Needles - Great Lift, Razorfen Downs, Shimmering Deep, Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge
- Dustwallow Marsh - Shady Rest Inn, Nat's Landing, Alcaz Island, Onyxia's Lair
- Desolace - Kodo Graveyard, Valley of Bones, Maraudon
- Feralas - Dire Maul, Dream Bough, Twin Colossals, Emerald Summit, Lake Dumont
- Silithus - Scarab Wall & Scarab Dais, Bones of Grakkarond
- Uldum - Lost City of the Tol'vir, Throne of the Four Winds & Vortex Pinnacle, Halls of Origination, Murkdeep Cavern
- Un'Goro Crater - Fire Plume Ridge, Waygate & Shaper's Terrace
- Tanaris - Caverns of Time, Zul'Farrak

- Hellire Penninsula - Stair of Destiny, Expedition Armory, Honor Hold, Path of Glory, Hellfire Citadel, Fallen Sky Ridge, Shatter Point
- Hellire Penninsula - Throne of Kil’jaeden
- Zangarmarsh - Coilfang Reservoir, Portal Clearing, Sporeggar, Telredor, Ango’rosh Stronghold, Feralfen Village
- Terokkar Forest - Auchindound, Bone Wastes, Shattrath City, Firewing Point, Cenarion Thicket, Skettis, Stonebreaker Hold & Allerian Stronghold
- Nagrand - Oshu'gun & Spirit Fields, Throne of the Elements, Ancestral Grounds, Garadar, Twilight Ridge, Nesingwary Safari, Skysong Lake
- Blade's Edge Mountains - Death's Door, Dragon's End, Mok'Nathal Vilage, Ogri'la, Crystal Spine & Singing Ridge, Gyro-Plank Bridge, Bloodmaul Post
- Netherstorm - Area 52, Eco-Domes, Manaforges, Tempest Keep, Kirin'Var Village, Ruins of Farahlon, Gyro-Plank Bridge, Celestial Ridge
- Shadowmoon Valley - Altar of Damnation, Hand of Gul'dan, Black Temple & Ruins of Karabor, Warden’s Cage, Dragonmaw Fortress, Altar of Shadows

- Howling Fjord - Daggercap Bay, Stonewall Lift, Utgarde Keep, Waking Halls, Whisper Gulch, Frozen Glade
- Grizzly Hills - Vordrassil & Grizzlemaw, Ursoc's Den, Bloodmoon Isle & Shadowfang Tower, Thor Modan
- Borean Tundra - Coldarra & Transitus Shield, Nexus, Riplash Ruins & Ruins of Eldra'nath, Naxxanar, Fizzcrank Airstrip
- Dragonblight - Wyrmrest Temple & Dragon Wastes, Ruby Sanctum, Dragonshrines, Path of the Titans, Galakrond's Rest
- Dragonblight - Naxxramas, Forgotten Shore, Frostmourne Cavern, Angrathar the Wrathgate
- Crystalsong Forest - Dalaran, Great Tree
- Zul'Drak - Drak'Tharon Keep, Amphitheater of Anguish
- Sholazar Basin - Makers' Perch & Makers' Overlook, Waygate, The Avalanche, Bittertide Lake, Lifeblood Pillar, River's Heart, Bones of Nozronn
- Storm Peaks - Thunderfall, Ulduar, Engine of the Makers, Inventor's Library, Temple of Storms,...
- Icecrown - Cathedral of Darkness, Court of Bones, Naz'anak: The Forgotten Depths, Sindragosa's Fall, Quel'Delar's Rest, Icecrown Citadel, Weeping Quarry

- Wandering Isle - Singing Pools, Dawning Span, Wood of Staves, Teeming Burrow
- Jade Forest - Serpent's Heart, Temple of the Jade Serpent, Arboretum, Shrine of Fellowship, Circle of Stone
- Valley of the Four Winds - Stormstout Brewery, Halfhill
- Krasarang Wilds - Temple of the Red Crane, Pools of Youth, Incursion
- Veiled Stair - Tavern in the Mists, Terrace of the Endless Spring, Ancient Passage
- Kun-Lai Summit - Mount Neverest, Peak of Serenity, Shado-Pan Monastery, Temple of the White Tiger, Valley of Emperors, Tomb of Conquerors
- Townlong Steppes - Niuzao Temple, Dusklight Hollow, Dusklight Bridge
- Dread Wastes - Heart of Fear, Klaxxi'vess, Terrace of Gurthan
- Vale of Eternal Blossoms - Mogu'shan Palace, Seat of Knowledge, Golden Pagoda
- Timeless Isle - Celestial Court, Ruby Lake, Ordon Sanctuary
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Naposledy upravil/a Bellatrix 24.11.2014 v 22:43:49.
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MPosp 07.08.2018 13:40
Velmi děkuji za tu spoustu práce, co sis musela dát s tím tohle sepsat! Pro mě má takový průvodce cenu zlata, protože jsem se k WoW dostal teprve před pár lety, někdy po spuštění WoD a navíc jsem starší ročník, do kterého ve škole hustili ruštinu, takže anglicky si jakž tak přelouskám základní věci, pointa příběhů je mi bohužel většinou skryta ...
Jak svět vypadal před Cata jsem si vyzkoušel díky různým freečkům, čili představu mám, přesto by mě velmi zajímalo, jak vypadalo zakončení jednotlivých datadisků, čili "end game content" jak tomu nadáváte. Jak jsem uvedl výše zažít jsem to nemohl a rád bych se s tím seznámil a hlavně si zahrál ona vyvrcholení datadisků. Nemáš k tomu náhodou také už nějakého podobného průvodce? Nebo nebyl by někdo ochotný ho sepsat? Při dřívějším expení svých stávajících postav jsem nenarazil na úkolovou linku vedoucí do finále třebas v Northrendu (WoTLK). Teď jsem si ložnul novou postavu a koukám, že úkolový systém je celý překopaný včetně plnění achievementů, tak tiše doufám, že mě sám přivede na kýžená místa ...
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